© TCS 2007

Chao Gardens(SA2)

The Chao Gardens are special enemy-free locations in Chao World. These are where you can raise your chao. There is also a Chao Kindergarten, but that is on another page.

The Neutral/Regular Chao Garden

The Neutral Garden is avalible when you first enter Chao World. It has two eggs that hatch into child chao. This Garden contains three chao-nut trees, and a waterfall. Behind the waterfall is cave, which contains us, The Chao Stadium(Racing), and Chao Karate.

The Hero Garden

The Hero Garden is avalible when your raise your first Hero Chao(See "Chao Evolution" Page). It contains three hero-fruit trees, which when eaten, give a slight increase in hero traits. A fountain, a little altar, and is over the clouds.

The Dark Garden

The Dark Garden is avalible when your raise your first Dark Chao(See "Chao Evolution" Page). It contains three, apparently dead, dark-fruit trees. Which when eaten, give an effect vice-versa to the hero fruit. It has many gravestones and a cage hanging off a gaint dead tree. Though in the DC version, there is a cave, and a small mountain. The below image is the DC Version.

Chaos Garden Rumors

There is NO Chaos Garden. We have raised many Chaos Chao, and can tell you that anybody who claims they've unlocked it, is a complete goite.

Chao Gardens(SA1)

The Chao Gardens are located in two secret locations, and one public location. They are all enemy-free, and each contain three chao-nut trees.

The Station Square Garden

This garden is located in the Station Sqare Hotel. You go through the elevator to access it. It contains two chao eggs, which hatch into child chao. The garden contains a fountain, The Racing Stadium, the Black Market, and a pool.

The Mystic Ruins Garden

This Garden is located in a cave in the Mystic Ruins. It contains two eggs, which hatch into child chao. There is a lake, fallen ruins, large rocks, and a large amount of open space. Likewise, it contains three chao-nut trees.

The Egg Carrier Garden

This Garden is on a secret island, which can be accessed from a teleporter in the password-locked room is the front(The password is "EGGMAN"). It has a massive beach, a crashed rocket, a building in the middel(Inaccessable), and a large amount of shallow water. There is a chair with a umbrella, and three chao-nut trees. This place is a good place to keep running, swimming, and flying traited chao.

The BIG Maybe

Let's see what Sega had ORIGINALLY planned for us to see: If I had to guess on what looks the most similar, I'd pick the Hero Garden. For more info on this subject, visit HERE!